Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dear Colten

You are sleeping right next to me right now and your calm and rhythmic breathing leaves me so sure of you. Sure of your safety and your comfort. You have always made me feel sure of you though. You have so much ability, even in your three short years of life. When you flipped, turned and kicked in my stomach, or when you held your head up right after you were born, or when you took your first steps, it was always as if you were saying, "Mommy, it's okay, I got this!" I feel just as sure that you are going to be just as able as a boy, and as a man.

I just read a wonderful list about words of advice for mothers of sons. It left me feeling so very blessed to be your mother. What a great and awesome responsibility and opportunity God has given me! I look forward to teaching you all that I know and learn with you about all those things that I don't know. I know that I won't always have an answer for all of your why's and why not's, I may not even be able to find the 'right' answer, but I promise that I will always try. One thing that I can do very well is Google.

Thank you for being such a bright a beautiful little boy. You have brought so much joy and contentment into my life.

I love you with every ounce of my being!


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"Life isn't about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Vivian Greene
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Sir Winston Churchill