Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Foregone Conclusion

So, here it is, as promised...

Do not send your husband, father, and 13 year-old nephew to the fireworks stand to purchase fireworks unsupervised unless you want them to come back with an entire trunk load of fireworks!

We are all on a bit of a shoestring budget these days, right? I mean the economy is on the fritz. Well at least, thanks to the boys in my life, the fireworks sector has had a bit of a financial infusion. So, we were planning to have fireworks, but to take it easy...wrong.

I sent Jeff and Skylar with $20 each (cash, mind you), and my mom sent my dad with $10 (cash). So, if my math is right, they left with $50 to get fireworks and somehow those firework-happy boys came back with over $150 of fireworks!!

One thing that I have to be thankful for when it comes to my hubby, is that he can't lie. When he is caught trying to conceal something...such as, spending a fortune on fireworks...he gets this big 'ole you-caught-me grin on his face. Which, by the way, makes it hard to be mad at him, because he looks so cute when he displays it.

So, when they returned home with their booty, I can tell that their plan was to play it off like they didn't spend a fortune. But in walks Jeff with that grin, and I knew. This is where it takes a little investigative probing, because they won't come right out and tell you. You have to ask direct questions and then do the computing in your head. Their only response was (rehearsed in the car before they returned) 'you shouldn't have sent three guys, alone to get the fireworks'. My mother and I looked at each other and realized that they were right. We couldn't be angry with them, because they were so cute and excited about the fireworks, and so were we to tell you the truth. We had so much fun lighting off all of the fireworks that night, it was a very memorable 4th of July!

Another lesson here is that all men are boys in grown-up bodies! I have already seen that in Jeff when Colten was born and we went toy shopping for him. I can definitely say that he was more excited about the toys than Colten ever was. But I certainly can't complain about that, because those two have so much fun together. It makes me fall in love with him all over again, to see him interact and have so much fun with his son. I see it as well with my nephew. Since Skylar has been staying with us this week, Jeff has really taken him under his wing. And the two of them are totally in cahoots. I can really tell that he enjoys having a little boy around and is excited for Colten to be older so that he can have a little protege.

1 comment:

"Life isn't about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Vivian Greene
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Sir Winston Churchill