Thursday, December 31, 2009

Home From the Holidays

I guess I need to start by mentioning my long absence from blogging lately. It’s no coincidence that my last blog was in September, right before the Fall Semester began. Let’s just say that this semester was a doozy for me! It would be safe to say that I pushed myself to the limit with the level and the amount of classes that I took, not to mention my job and my family and everything else in my demanding life. It probably won’t be any easier in my FINAL three semesters, but I did learn some valuable lessons this semester that I believe will be a big help to me as I trudge ahead. I am still a hapless procrastinator, but I think that I have a better grasp on what my limitations are. And to have gotten through this challenging semester with all A’s and B’s certainly gives me the self confidence to know that I can and will get through this. Hopefully I will still have my sanity at the end – and a degree, of course.

Still, I am sad because I have missed out on blogging about some pretty important things in my life during the past few months. The most important of which would be my little boy turning one. But giving you a laundry list of my life’s events during my blogging absence would just be mundane. So maybe I’ll leave that for sometime in the future when I get a fit of inspiration.

Well, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Jeff, Colten, and I went to Dallas for Christmas. It was hectic traveling with my rambunctious little toddler, but seeing him playing with all of his cousins on Christmas day made it worth it for me. And to top it off, I got to experience my first-ever “White Christmas.” It actually did all of the snowing on Christmas Eve, but it was still on the ground on Christmas morning, so in my mind that qualifies. However, it happened to be less magical than the song lets on. Although, I suppose that I’ve always romanticized the notion of a White Christmas. It would be hard to live up to, especially since that was always my favorite Christmas movie growing up – White Christmas. I remember watching it with my mom as a girl. It seems like just yesterday. I can picture all of us now; curled up on the couch, popcorn in hand, and my little sister making fun of my mother and me for actually crying at the movie. And that’s exactly what she’d say, “It’s just a movie!” I suppose since I’m just barely on this side of 30 that it has actually been quite a long time ago now. But watching heart-warming Christmas movies is still a favorite pastime of ours, whether we get to watch them together or not. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much time for Christmas movie watching this year, but at least we were all together!

So, now we have made it home from being “home.” It’s amazing to me how, unlike ever before in the 10+ years since I left home at 18 years-old, I feel completely at home where I live. This is where that cliché comes in right? – “Home is where the heart is.” But isn’t it so true? I had made a life for myself in the half-dozen or so towns that I lived in since I left home, I had some really good times, and I met people and saw places that I truly loved. Yet I always felt like my home was still in Dallas. I often wondered what it would be like to live in some place where I had roots. To live around my family and the people who knew me before I really knew myself. But now I have a family of my own and when that 8 pound – 8 ounce little bundle was placed in my arms, I knew that my home would always be where he was. So, for 2010, I hope that all of you find a home wherever you live and if you already have, I hope that you learn to cherish it for all that it is worth!

1 comment:

"Life isn't about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Vivian Greene
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Sir Winston Churchill